
A supportive mother and Sweden!

Fika tray on sale in Stockholm

All my love, praise and gratitude go to my mother. Her love of learning, and her desire for her children to see the world, was greater than her own ability to achieve for herself. She was well-read and often spoke of foreign lands, languages and foreign concepts with me my brother. Quite literally, she introduced the world to us from the comfort of our living room in the U.S. Of all the people in my life, she most influenced my decisions to go abroad.

And it was her I thought while looking down through the clouds to the world thousands of feet below on my first plane ride to visit a friend in Sweden when I was barely able to vote. Little did I know that Sweden was going to be my new home in less than a year. And little did I know how far I would travel.

I’ve now lived and worked in Sweden, France, South Korea and, most recently, China. And contrary to what you see on the news, the world is a beautiful place. It’s worth experiencing more than you know.

Whether you want to learn a new language, go on a sabbatical, or put down roots in another country to re-invent yourself, you’re going to have to travel. But it takes planning and PURPOSE if you want to travel successfully. And traveling abroad and living abroad are two completely different things. My intention is to help you see and know the difference. I want to save you time, energy and money if your plan is to spend more time abroad or even live full-time abroad. World events have completely changed the way that we travel, and they have drastically altered the way we view ourselves in the world.

But don’t just take it from me, you’re going to hear from other people, people I know or have just met professionally who will share with you how they began and continue to travel the world. There are so many ways for you to not only travel from the comfort of your current community, but the world at large. Let me help you, guide you to incorporating more travel into your life.  

This is why I have created In My Travels.

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